Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm not sure why it's been so long since I've last blogged. I'm going to blame this on Facebook. Facebook is the new TV. People used to read books before they invented TV. People used to watch TV before they invented Facebook. Now, nobody reads and they only watch TV if they can simultaneously Facebook about what they are watching. Facebook is the source of so many of my writing problems. I jest (sort of). The point is, I'm paying monthly for this blog and haven't made any good use of it. And then today, an editor of mine at a Website I've just started writing for www.Allvoices.com, pointed out a blog that she said I must read. And so I read the blog and realized that not only did this advice columnist have nothing of any import to say, but that I putting to waste the some one hundred dollars I've paid Godaddy.com. So, here I am. Ready. To. Blog.

Except, wait--I've got absolutely nothing to say.

Kidding. OK, so here goes: Upcoming college tour fast approaching. First stop on March 16th at Eastern Michigan University. Next, Wagner College in NYC. Nailing down a bunch of others. Must come up with winning opening for hour-long lectures. Working on next book. Excited about it as it's 180 degrees from what Boys was. Hope all had a happy New Year. Tabula Rasa. Fresh new start. Will write more soon. Promise.


P.S. I've been taking loads of pictures lately. Snapped this one at the carousel at the Santa Monica Pier at a friend's kid's birthday party.


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